22 September 2010

Freddie and Dancer Boy are all I need...

Oh what a wonderful day this is becoming!

I am spending the day in my bed, watching doctor who, knitting, and reading the NY Times. Yes, I am aware that I told my mom that I would not stay in my dorm room all the time. But it was just one of those days, you know.

So, today is perfect to think about this week's assignment: 5 things I would not leave the house without if I were going into hiding.

You could say I have gone into hiding in a way. But here is my list:
  1. Freddie. Freddie is a green frog plushie that my childhood best friend gave me for my birthday when I was 12. I cannot sleep without him somewhere near my pillow. He is a must have if going into hiding.
  2. My Book Collection. But not all of it, only because I would not be able to carry it. It would take a dozen people to carry that. I mean, only my books that are in a series. This would include: Harry Potter, Chronicles of Narnia, the Mortal Instruments, and all of my John Green books. I'm thinking I will have a lot of free time if I am in hiding.
  3. My Notebooks. I write a lot as it is. I'm going to take all of my notebooks because, like the book collection, I expect to have a lot of time on my hands. Hilariously, all of what I have already listed can fit in my backpack (I know because that's how I transported them to college).
  4. Dancer Boy. There are several reasons for this. 1. He hot 2. He's entertaining 3. He's fun to talk to 4. He knits 5. If at all necessary, we may have to repopulate the world....which I have no objections to.
  5. My Comforter. Nuff Said. lol

I think everything on my list is warranted. Unless, food, knitting, and water are not guaranteed. Then we have a problem...

13 September 2010

Week 1: HSKS

So, the nargles went and tapered with the air conditioning in the library and now I'm freezing as I try to type out a spanish paper. DAMN YOU!!!!

In other news, I'm excited to be back with my SlytherBuddies. Suenosdejmi can help me with my spanish homework and ajkane can guide me in the wonderful ways of a proper college student.

Onward to this week's assignment!

1. Someone with the same craft as you (either those listed above or another one). I knit and crochet. And I make those friendship bracelet things. But that's about it. Bartlebean
2. Someone who was born in the same month as you. I HAD ISSUES WITH THIS ONE LAST TIME! WHO'S BDAY IS IN FEBRUARY????
3. Someone from a different country. If you live outside the US, lemme know! misslucy
4. A new HSKS Family member. There has to be more n00bs. I was the ONLY one last term!!!! Daisymum
5. Someone who has been in 3 or more HSKS swaps. This is my 2nd...woot woot! GirlyWithATwist
6. Someone who has a bigger stash than you! (And if your stash is the biggest, proudly say so!) 43 stashed/2 gifted LAFisher
7. Someone who both knits and crochets. ME!!!!! smileynetta
8. Someone who has the same favorite color as you. If you haven't noticed, my favorite color is green....how befitting.... JellyBeanInc
9. Someone who has the same favorite season/holiday as you. Favorite season: Autumn. SirDancealot
10. Someone who has the same favorite fiber as you. Favorite Fiber: Merino Wool


Oh how wonderful it is to be back with my wizarding family since my departure for my muggle studies. Hopefully, my studies in Telecommunication (the boxes that moving pictures and voices often occupy and entertain Muggles [TV and Radio]) and Mass Communication (Telephones, Books, Newspapers...and a new thing called the Internet) will be very helpful in thinking of ways to enchant said objects for my evil educational experiments. Mass Brainwashing, perhaps.......


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